Movie Night, Community Spirit Live captures the vibrant essence of community in Hillsborough. Movie Night Live It is a community-based live show in Nash Street Tavern, where people read and act movie scripts on the stage. This photography project documented the emotional moments unfold during movie nights and explored the bonds among different people in the town with a shared love for art.

The project started from Christina Casa, the organizer of MNL and branched out to capture the lives of three more individuals bound by their passion for Movie Night Live. Each, from Jenn Weaver, the former may and now working as a transportation policy consultant, to Bob Burtman, the distinctive voice of WHUP radio station, and Tom Stevens, the former mayor and an artist, brings a unique sight of view to Movie Night Live. Their stories interweave personal experiences with a collective affinity for both the arts and the precious sense of togetherness cherished in the Hillsborough community.